special morning ritual

It might be a chilly winter day but this vegan ☀️SUN lotion from 3rd Ritual keeps my spirits bright!

Wow that sounded so cheesy. Seriously though I use this every single morning.

yellow lotion tube

Most mornings I take the tube outside with my yoga mat and a crystal, sit down, and dab a small amount in my hands. As I rub it in, the invigorating blend of oils is activated and I inhale the eucalyptus, tangerine, and lemongrass scent. I’ll rub the remainder on my chest and as I’m doing so I take a moment to feel gratitude for a new day. I do my regular stretching and yoga which is a calm and peaceful time for me to recognize the sun and appreciate the life it brings to my body. Then I make my coffee and sit outside with my kitty before showering and getting ready for the day.

It’s important to have a morning ritual. Your mind is cleared and rested from sleep so the morning is a great time to be calm and mindful, even just for 10 minutes. Say a prayer, think of things you’re grateful for, write down your dreams. Having a morning ritual is like programming your mind to have a good day!

Tell me about your morning routine, or something you look forward to in the mornings!

ritual lotions

One more thing! If you’d like to get your own, head over to 3rd Ritual where they also have a fabulous Moon and Earth blend!

This is an unsolicited review of a product I purchased myself.

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