There’s thousands and thousands of articles on the internet listing the same inspirational morning rituals. This is not one of them.

morning rituals you haven't heard before
Run cold water on your feet.

This is a twist on the typical “take a cold shower” that you always hear. Realistically, WHO DOES THAT?! Like nope, I just can’t. So my workaround is running cold water on my feet and legs after my regular shower. It feels so good! The jolt helps increase circulation and that’s a great way to start the morning.

Jump on your bed.

Exercise in the morning? Again, no thanks. Instead let your inner child out by jumping on the bed! It gets the blood pumping, feels good, makes you laugh, and you’ll be super energized! DISCLAIMER: You are probably taller than the last time you jumped on a bed as a child. Watch your head.

DO drink the coffee.

At one point the internet villainized coffee as an addictive stimulant that altered your mind. But coffee has some epic health benefits so have no worries about drinking a cup of Joe as part of your morning rituals. According to WebMD more than 15 studies show that coffee can prevent type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer! Sounds like a win/win to me. Just watch your sugar intake.

Talk to a stranger.

Get a wake up phone call from a STRANGER! I have yet to try this one but head to the Wakie website and watch the video for some laughs.

Swallow a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Fatty acids are great for your hair, nails, metabolism, and even cognitive function. After you get over the texture and potential gag reflex, it’s really not bad at all! If you can’t bring yourself to swallow it, try swishing with it for 10 minutes and spitting. It literally PULLS the bacteria from your mouth and whitens your teeth.

Brush with your weak hand.

Brushing your teeth and hair with your weak hand feels weird but it can help build new neurological pathways in your brain. Doesn’t that sound fun?


You always hear “make your bed” but seriously, as a grown adult you should already be doing that (my mother engraved that habit into me by the time I was 6 years old). So take it a step further and vacuum! It’s one of my favorite things to do in the AM ( I’m an obsessive clean-freak) and I get to come home to a clean house. It’s a great way to get into productivity mode.

Eat a cucumber.

Oh cucumber, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Cucumbers are mostly water which your body needs in the morning. They’re full of fiber which helps with regularity. 💩 They are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that promote cardiovascular health. They contain antioxidants that help slow aging. All their B vitamins are stress reducers. And my favorite thing? Eat a cucumber after drinking, before bed, to help your hangover!

Now go tackle the day ahead of you, you beautiful human!

Would you try any of these? Do you have any out-of-the-ordinary morning rituals?

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