audacity to be queen

Ever since I was little I’ve had a love affair with books. The satisfaction of a new spine, the untouched pages under your fingers, the scent of the ink and binding. Then the way you get lost in the words and whisked away by the fascinating worlds within the pages…🤓

Anyways. It’s time for a book recommendation! I’ve been reading a lot of personal development and self help books lately. This is not one I would normally have picked up because it’s so girly looking (yes I judge books by their covers!) but I’m so glad I did! The Audacity to be Queen by Gina Devee is written for the modern woman who is ready to empower herself.

the audacity to be queen

Whether you’re in your 20’s finding your path, or a mama raising her children, or if your children have already flown the nest, if you’re a business woman, or if you’re single or divorced or married, ANY woman ready to step into her Queenhood, this book is for you! Gina Devee writes in a way that is easily digestible and beautifully uplifting. She will coach you through mental blocks that are stopping you from living fully and help you stand tall and manifest your best life.

If you’re interested in more recommendations, I’ve compiled an entire list here!

Have you read anything good lately? Or do you have anything on your to-read list?📖

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