They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But, is it reeeally? Because having a copycat sure as hell makes me want to pull out my hair sometimes. Let me pour myself a glass of wine and tell you a story.
It started when…
My friend introduced me to an acquaintance of hers. We seemed to hit it off and had a few laughs about how much time we would spend on Instagram. We discussed the trials and tribulations of “influencing” and I confided in her about some specific future content ideas I had. After that one meeting we didn’t see each other in person again.
A few days later I noticed that she changed her bio to mention nearly the same things as mine. I’m talking a drastic change from what hers used to say. I ran to show my boyfriend but we both agreed it had to be just a coincidence. Over the next few weeks she started posting things eerily similar to things I had posted. Similar locations, similar outfits, and even similar captions (although there wasn’t any obvious copy-and-pasting). She didn’t normally post this genre of content so it was a little odd for her to suddenly start. I also noticed she started following accounts I was following but I continued to tell myself it was all a coincidence.
As more time passed…
SO MANY little incidents were happening but I felt conceited thinking somebody would try to copy or imitate me. I won’t go into detail here but I tried my best to be unbothered. Also remember I told you that I confided some content ideas to her when we met? She started posting these ideas that I told her about! Now I KNOW somebody somewhere in the world probably beat me to these ideas. But for this particular person to start using them weeks after we talked about them… it was frustrating and I suspected I had a copycat.
Then out-of-the-blue a friend called and asked me if I had seen this girl. My friend had stumbled on her account and instantly thought she was copying me. I got angry! I had been giving this girl the benefit of the doubt for months. But when an unbiased outsider recognized the similarities that’s when I decided it was no longer coincidence.
This person has a significantly larger following than me so naturally I felt jealousy. She now had the same bio and general niche as me, and I swear her profile picture even resembled mine!
Her posts and stories would appear on my timeline when I opened Instagram, and almost every day it seemed like I was spending time feeling angry and jealous. I felt like she was getting attention for things I was doing the work for.

To this day…
She is copying/impersonating things I post on my Instagram AND even my blog. Often I wonder, how do you stop somebody from re-creating your photos or re-wording your blog posts? If she was stealing my photos or copying word-for-word then maybe I would have some ground to stand on. But it’s just an arrant imitation that makes me feel frustrated.
The fact that I feel jealousy and anger is hard for me to admit. Although I’m now in a better place of understanding than I was when this started months ago.
So here are a few lessons I learned after some introspection & rational thinking.
- What somebody else does is none of your business! EVEN if it’s a copycat. If somebody is impersonating you then clearly they have no creativity or ideas of their own. Because they lack the inherent passion of a genuine creator, they WILL grow tired and exhausted.
- Stop getting yourself upset by something you have no control over. Unless you plan on confronting them (which I don’t feel necessary or worth the energy) then stop stressing yourself out. Trust karma to do her thing.
- MUTE/BLOCK/IGNORE THE PERSON! Stop looking at their account or what they do. Do not spend YOUR valuable time focusing on them. Instead of spending 15 minutes bitterly scrolling through their account, spend that time creating your OWN kickass content!
- What you focus on will multiply. So I’m gonna focus on my own aspirations and raising my vibrations.
Note: I left some details vague and omitted parts of the story to keep it from being blatantly obvious who I’m referring to.
That is really annoying and frustrating.
Being a creative type and seeing someone copy your ideas is overwhelming. Uncortunately that’s the world we live in now. Hopefully we can better combat it in the future.
I wish you good luck! I can tell you that instead of feeling angry, feel proud of yourself because you inspire others and there are people that are copying you! You are a trend now!
Thanks for this. I can’t really get THAT mad when I consider myself an “influencer” and somebody is influenced to copy me hahahahah
Haha! I’m pretty sure she just read this blog post. Jest s cool way to let her know she’s uncreative. *laughs out loud*
But for real, how irritating is that for someone to copy your content. You work so hard, I love you, girl. You better get back to work…she’s probably my needing something post ideas about now.
And typos…I hope you can read between the lines
🤣 And this is why you’re my bestie!
I’m what you call the true babe of an “ Influencer “most of my life : from ex friends copying my fashion style : hair styles : copying my fashion designs even to copying my showgirl costume/ business : my former friend was like the movie – single white (latina) female : from copying my cars and trying to impersonate my personality . I need to be paid more for this influence 😩🥴
You make a good point. People will always copy or impersonate others they admire. I should just be flattered.
That is really annoying and frustrating. I’m sorry you have to deal with that, and it just isn’t right.
I give you a lot of credit not outting the person. I think in some aspects copying is flattering but not when it comes to your business. You have handled this very well in my opinion!
Thank you so much for your comment! I was hesitant to even share this story but it was a way for me to vent about it then move on.
This sounds incredibly frustrating! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.
I know the frustration. I had a person copy my post when we were working on the same campaign. The ironic is I talked about my kids and she doesn’t have any kids.
I can imagine how annoying this can be. I had the same experience and it took me a long time to learn my lesson
This would make me anxious and jealous too if i experience that same.
OMG I can relate to your story so much. But I have moved on from this and I did what you emntioned here. I finally learned to let go of that person. Blocked her and never feel bad again.
This would make me furious. I hope you block her so she can’t see your content. That should be telling in itself.
I haven’t bothered blocking because she could just see me from a different account. I never thought of doing it to make a statement though!