blogger tips

Chances are, if you’re reading this you’re interested in starting a blog! Or maybe you already have one but you’re looking for tips to improve your blog. I’ve been running mine for over one year now and I’m going to share some important blogging tips for beginner bloggers (and influencers)!

A few blogging tips from my own experience…

  • One of the most important tips for beginner bloggers is to choose a topic that you love and have a good amount of experience with. Choose something that you have knowledge of and can see yourself writing about for a long time (hopefully years)! You don’t want to pick something you might get bored of down the road.
  • This next tip goes hand-in-hand with the first. You’ve probably already heard the advice “find your niche”. Honing in on 2 or 3 related subjects is important so you don’t confuse your audience by posting about too many varied topics. Until you’re an established blogger it’s best to stick to only a few subjects.
  • If you ever think you might want to grow your blog into something larger, do NOT use a free platform (,, etc). They limit the control you have over your content and they appear less professional. I use and LOVE WordPress with BlueHost. The setup process was straightforward AND the couple times I’ve needed customer service I was able to speak to a real human!
  • Don’t be a perfectionist and don’t be too stiff with your writing! Yes proper spelling is important but you don’t need to write a formal essay every time you post. Write as if you were speaking to a friend! Keep it light and casual. I go into more detail about this here.
  • KEEP WRITING and KEEP POSTING. A successful blog needs more than just 15 or 20 posts and the most popular blogs have TONS of information posted over years! The more posts, the more chances of your blog appearing in search engines.
looking out at ocean and rocks
When I started this “lifestyle blogger” thing, these were some of the ideas I wrote down:
  • Natural Skincare & Beauty – Affordable beauty products I use and recommend.
  • Fashion & Outfits – Casual outfit inspiration and my daily looks.
  • Law of Attraction Advice – Mindset and manifesting skills I’ve learned and practice regularly.
  • Coastal Living Vibes – Things to see and do in my beautiful city of Laguna Beach.

Over the last year I’ve evolved, grown, and discovered what topics are most popular with my readers. Blogging is a fun process but it takes patience!

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