One thing that absolutely drives me crazy is hearing people say “I can’t afford… I’ll never be able to… I’m not ____ enough… There’s no way…”

Ladies and gentleman. TAKE THOSE TOXIC WORDS OUT OF YOUR VOCABULARY NOW! Your words are powerful and your mind believes what your ego tells it! By repeatedly using negative language, your reality will reflect exactly that.

If you want a new car some day but keep telling yourself that your job sucks and you don’t make enough, guess what?! Your job will continue to suck and you’ll never make enough! This applies to every single thing in your life. Your health, your relationships, your finances; which is why it’s so important to watch what you say.

never use these toxic words

It might be hard work but you must change your mindset FIRST before the rest of your life can change. Instead of using negative sentences, think to yourself “My job is a stepping stone that is getting me closer to my dream car.” Or perhaps try saying “I’m working on… I’m in the process of… I’m on a journey towards…”

Changing your wording can make a huge difference in your life. It might seem like a small thing but I challenge you to pay more attention to how you speak and stop using toxic words! If you loved this post, read more about the Law of Attraction here.

If you think you are beaten, you are. For out in the world we find, success begins with a fellow’s will — It’s all in the state of mind.

Napoleon Hill
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