Social media has changed drastically within the last couple years! Instead of paying for TV, radio, or magazine ads, brands are turning to influencers to advertise their products and services. According to InfluencerMarketingHub the influencer marketing industry is projected to reach 16 BILLION dollars this year.
You guys, that’s a train you want to hop on as soon as possible!
One way to get your foot in the door is using influencer marketing platforms, also called influencer management or influencer agencies. These websites and apps act as the middle man by connecting brands with influencers. There are sooo many different websites out there and it took me months to compile this list! Please note, I am NOT guaranteeing results or vouching for any of these platforms. I’m just sharing this list in hopes you find something you like. You will have to do your own research and/or sign up for them to find out what works for you.
If you’re on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or other social media then get your free list below!
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The Ultimate List of Influencer Marketing Platforms!
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Very useful .