how to be a lifestyle blogger

Yep I’m doing it. That thing. That lifestyle blogger and influencer thing!

Back in the day I wrote on LiveJournal for years! After that fizzled out I always wanted to start my own blog. But I told myself it was SO much time and work. I put it off because I didn’t think I had anything important to say. I compared myself to other bloggers and sabotaged my own confidence. I dabbled in web design and even made websites for others but never committed to my own.

Those days are over.

I’ve taken the leap!

I’ve been using Instagram since it came out in 2011 and in the last few months I’ve started seeing significant growth and it’s getting exciting. So I’m expanding my online presence with a blog!

I’m still figuring out what my niche is so be patient with me as I find my voice here. What I do know is that I live somewhere pretty darn beautiful and I love taking photos of the scenery. I love being in the ocean, in the sunshine, under palm trees, with sandy toes and salty hair. I’m passionate about supporting the small, family-owned, local businesses in Laguna Beach. We have such unique restaurants, art galleries, and views and I want to inspire people to visit!

Also, I will start sharing my personal tips and advice for growing on Instagram and sharing the things I learn along this lifestyle blogger journey.

So how do you do the lifestyle blogger thing?


Stop doubting yourself and go for it. You can’t achieve something if you don’t just start!

Thank you for being here as I start this awesome adventure! Read some weird facts about me or say hello!

standing in crashing waves
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