Once upon a time there was a girl.
But this was no ordinary girl, for she never had big dreams or a passionate calling. She wandered through life for 32 years with no direction, often getting in trouble for poor decisions, and accepting her mediocre place on Earth. Then one day a tragic circumstance shattered her world. Everything she knew was gone and she was left alone and mourning. For the next two years she wailed and wallowed, seeing life through a shadowed lens.
It was at her darkest point that she stumbled upon a book, and this magical book beckoned her to explore a new world. A world where she had super powers! A world where she could be, do, or have anything she wanted.

As if a curse was being lifted…
Slowly, the girl started to have stirrings inside her soul. She realized she wanted more from life… so she set her mind to it. She visualized a happier existence and felt gratitude that it was soon to be hers. Her days were filled with meditation, peaceful music, and physical exercise. She worked hard to make changes INSIDE herself and then like magic, the world around her started to transform! The sun began to shine, she received a new job offer, her debt disappeared, she found herself living on the beach, she grew closer to her family, she had new friends and old friends, and the Earth was a glorious and abundant place to live!
Enchanted by the exciting possibilities of life, she continued to read many books every day that taught her how to strengthen her super powers. The girl filled her mind with knowledge and magic. She chose to see love and light every day for the rest of her life..

The more gratefully we fix our minds on the good things that come to us… the more good things we will receive.
Wallace Wattles
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