I have been asked multiple times if Instagram brand collaborations are legitimate. So let me share my opinions!

Most of these “collabs” are presented the same way; A company gives you a discount to buy their clothes/products and in return you take photos, create a post, and tag the company.

Here are the reasons, IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, why I don’t like these scenarios.

brand collaborations
First and most annoyingly:

I get multiple “scouting” accounts commenting over and over on all my pictures repeatedly. It makes my account look spammy! They are not genuine about who they ask. They literally post hundreds of generic comments to hundreds of girls without actually paying attention to their personalities and if they even fit the company style. I report these comments as spam and block the accounts. UPDATE: I found out there’s a setting to block chosen words to stop the spam.

Next thing that bothers me:

Let’s say you do reply to them. In my experience you will be offered a huge discount. You think “cool let me go shopping on their website” and you find that their products are so outrageously overpriced that the discount barely makes them desirable! I will pay decently for a designer brand (hello Kate Spade, Guess, Bebe – a few of my faves) but not for a random company on Instagram who has to beg for brand reps.

Now if a company wants to send me things for free, or if they stand for a great cause, if they donate a portion to charities, if they are made locally, or just fit my style — that is a different story! But none of these companies who ask to “collab” repeatedly in comments and DM’s have ever had any substance to them.

And another thing:

Think about the fact that they are basically hitting up hundreds of thousands of girls to purchase their products (yeah, with the feeble promise of being titled an “ambassador”) and that gets them business, probably a lot of business! All because us girls want to feel like we are part of something and that we belong to something. It makes me feel preyed upon and just gives me a bad vibe.

On top of everything:

The comments they leave and the DM’s they send are always vague, short, and silly. They are copied and pasted and use way too many cutesy emojis which is just unprofessional. They consistently use terms like “sweety” and “dear” which nobody should be calling you if they’re a professional business looking to partner with a serious influencer.

My advice…

Before you jump into something, think about who is getting the better end of the deal. Personally, I would not PAY for brand collaborations then spend time taking photos and tagging them, for free. It isn’t a fair trade! If you agree to a collaborations make sure it is because the company aligns with your lifestyle and their offer is an equal one that benefits YOU just as much as them.

To answer the main question:

Yes there are legitimate collaborations and companies out there! I have never seen an honest company use the term ambassador and they do not ask you in your comments. A professional company will send thorough email (so make sure you have a business email active in your settings).

Disclaimer– These are my personal opinions from my own experiences. Not all brand collaborations or companies are the same. Use your best judgement and don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right for YOU!

NOTE: I’ve written an updated post regarding collaborations HERE!

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