law of attraction

There are plenty of websites and books on the subject of manifesting and the Law of Attraction, but I want to tell you about one of my personal stories and explain the 3 MOST important things I’ve learned along the way.

Once upon a time I found myself living somewhere I didn’t want to be. For three years I felt stuck and stagnant, until I decided NO MORE! I started reading personal development books, listening to podcasts, and watching The Secret repeatedly. I would visualize myself moving back home and I pictured swimming in the ocean, breathing the fresh air, hiking in the mountains, and hanging out with my friends and family. It was also important to FEEL the emotions as if I was already experiencing the things I was dreaming of. I woke up every day FEELING blissful, free, and excited!

And guess what!

Within a couple months I moved from Lewisville, Texas to Huntington Beach, California.


RESEARCH- Whether you’re new to the Law of Attraction or just beginning, it is IMMENSELY important to surround yourself with motivational material. For me that was books, podcasts, and documentaries. There is no end to the learning and growing you can do, and if you are serious about changing or achieving something in your life, you must keep it on your mind constantly.

VISUALIZE/DREAM- How do you expect to achieve anything if you don’t dream about it first? Everything you’ve ever wanted was first a thought in your mind. Grab those thoughts and turn them into big, beautiful dreams. Visualize all the details and specifics of what you want!

FEEL- Along with visualizing my new life, I also made sure to feel the emotions as if I was already living it. No matter what was going on in my current life, I smiled and I felt the happiness of my new life. A thought is only a thought until you put emotion into it! By feeling positive emotions you are raising your vibration and elevating your mindset. Emotions make your dreams more real, and the more real you believe something to be, the more likely you will manifest it!

Do you have any experience with the Law of Attraction? What would you like to start manifesting in your life?

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